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  • Writer's pictureRadical Queer Scholar

An Intro and Basics to Polyamory: Just a Start

Updated: Apr 12, 2019

CN: polyamory, relationship dynamics.


Here, I will do my best to provide an introductory know-how and know-what to polyamory. It will be the very basics, if I can, and just a start - so it won't cover everything.

Polyamory refers to being in a relationship with one or more individuals at the same time, where all members are informed, communicative, and consenting.

It is imperative that all members involved are aware and informed of each other, to a minor extent that they be aware. That all members are consenting to one or more of each being polyamorous with or without each other. And above all - communication, communication, communication.

The degrees of relationship between each other may vary. There is no necessarily right way to do polyamory, but there are harmful, problematic, or perhaps even wrong ways.

Polyamory is not cheating. Cheating indicates a lack of information, a lack of consent, a lack of awareness, and a lack of communication.

Polyamory is not exclusive to sex. The relationships can be sexual, romantic, platonic, or any combination of the three.

Sometimes the people involved in polyamory are all involved with each other, all connected by one person, interconnected in different ways with each other, or completely separate of each other.


Here are some commonly used and heard terms with definitions. Keeping in mind that these are not the rule but merely as I understand them in common. If anyone has any exceptions or different definitions, don't be afraid to let us know! This is not a complete list.

Open Relationship: the definition of this differs between peoples and locales, however the most common is when two or more individuals are together and are open to additional partners. While the common usage is being open to additional casual or sexual partners, it could mean more.

Relationship Anarchy: a lack of giving partners label - instead of identifying with a hierarchy (primary, secondary) or such, partners exist on their own as themselves. A person may have serious and casual relationships but does not compare them by value or worth.

Group: refers to any group dating each other, such as triad. There is no limit to the number of people in a polygroup. It can even be exclusive in that the people in the polygroup does not date outside of it.

Kitchen Table: emphasizes family-style connections even among people in a network who are not dating each other.

Metamour: the partner of of one's partner.

Polycule: a network or particular subset where all members are closely connected.

Primary/Secondary: a common for of hierarchy where a person will have multiple partners that are not equal in intensity, connection, or power. A person may have multiple secondaries or tertiaries.

Significant Other: a term intended to be free of assumption regarding gender or sex when regarding one's partner.


Some resources and reading!

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