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  • Writer's pictureRadical Queer Scholar

Abortion Is Not Just Womens Rights - Here's Why

For weeks now, my feeds have been loaded with posts regarding the hot topic of abortion and the terrifying increase and activity of anti-choice movements and politicians. And post after post, I tried to gently call in and educate that this topic, these issues, are not merely, nor only, nor just women's rights. And time after time, I receive responses of how they are "trying" or they "meant X" or "did not mean X". While I recognize and understand that there is a lack of awareness to the groups involved in reproductive rights - it isn't excusable.

Impact is always greater than intent - and the topic of reproductive rights must be addressed intersectionally. Anti-choice is founded in and perpetuates white supremacy, colonialism, non-binary erasure, transphobia, cisnormativity, and bioessentialism -- alongside sexism, the patriarchy, and misogyny. Which is why we must approach this issue with an intersectional lens. It isn't just cis womens issue - it's heavily a POC (especially indigenous) issue, which also erases trans and non-binary folks, while enforcing the gender binary and bioessentialism.

The reality is that we are all problematic.

Let's break all of that babbling I just did down. Impact is greater than intent. You may not intend to do something harmful, but that is the result, that is the impact. And when such is brought to your attention, we are asking for awareness and adjustments for the future. If you accidentally bump into someone or step on their toes, you don't sit there focusing on how you didn't mean to, nor do you blame them. You apologize and learn to be more careful. That is the bare minimum we ask for.

The reality is that we are all problematic. But we can be part of an oppressor class or group AND be a member of a marginalized and oppressed identity. Which is why nearly all issues (social justice or otherwise) need an intersectional lens. Because there is no one single solution or voice that can make reparations, transformation, dismantling, or overthrowing. We don't all start out on a level playing field, so a simple nor focused solution will work.

I will always be unpacking and unlearning. All I can do is my best - but such is my responsibility...

I, as a white person, implicitly perpetuate racist, white supremacy, and colonialism. I may not intend to, but that is what happens - it is implicit. I also inherently benefit from those forces and structures. Therefore solutions for me will not work for POC because of power dynamics. I, as a white person, will always be a part of the problem no matter how much I am trying. This is because I am a part of the structures and systems at play, and I have socialized and learned behaviors and ideologies. I will always be unpacking and unlearning. All I can do is my best - but such is my responsibility and POC don't need to hear about if/when I am trying or if/when it is difficult for me - because that's just centering myself and taking away from POC (which makes me even more a problem).

This idea applies in the same way for cis folks vs trans and non-binary folks. What works for cis women, will not work for us. It is also important we make our rhetoric as inclusive and aware as possible. Because the reality is anyone can have any amalgamation of genitals, reproductive organs, physical traits, chromosomes, etc and be any gender identity.

Bioessentialism is the idea that X genitals equal X gender, or that only women can give birth and only men can impregnate. This reinforces cisnormativity, the idea that cis people are the "default" or the "norm" - which simply isn't true. There are more than two genders, more than two sexes. This has been the case throughout various cultures and countries for hundreds of years - including North America. Which is also why cisnormativity, non-binary erasure, transphobia, and bioessentialism often also perpetuate racism, white supremacy, and colonialism. Because it is colonialism and white supremacy that has destroyed gender expression and identity that does not conform to its "standards".


What we need is for folks not to center themselves when we do try to provide emotional labor and educate. This is an issue that must be viewed intersectionally, and centering yourself makes you more of a problem - where we are all a part of the problem because nearly all of us, in one way or another, are a member of an oppressor class or group. Take the time to disengage if you are feeling defensive or hurt, take stock, reconcile, and then come back. Support your sisters, yes, help each other, yes. But support not just your cis-ters, but all sister. Support trans men. Support non-binary folks. Support POC. Abortion is not a womens rights issue - it's an issue of reproductive rights and freedoms.

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